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How to edit a live ad from your account

This article describes the advantages of live editing an ad and how simple it is to do it

Emma Pescettini avatar
Written by Emma Pescettini
Updated over a week ago

If your ads are hosted through Zuuvi you have the option to edit your ads when they're live.

What's the value of the live editing option?

Let me explain with these four points:

  1. Do you want a countdown ad or use the same ad for another product? Then you can simply make the changes directly in Zuuvi and the changes will automatically be updated on the live ads.

  2. You can split-test the performance of the ad by changing images, videos, messages, colors, etc. You can literally change everything! 🀩

  3. If you made a misspelling, entered the wrong date, or the hex code color used is wrong simply fix it in Zuuvi.

  4. Maybe the product that's shown on the ad is sold out but the ad is still live? Change the product to another product! (Or contact us regarding our DCO setup if you want to know more about how this updates automatically)

How do you use live editing in practice?

Follow the written guide below:

  1. Go to Creative Manager and find the ad you want to edit.

  2. Make the changes.

  3. Click on "Save and publish" and after approximately 30 minutes the changes will be updated on all websites where the ad is live.

OBS! If you want to make changes for later and not make it live yet, you can simply press "Save" in your format. ✨

If your ads are not hosted through Zuuvi then the process of editing an ad that is live is different πŸ˜ƒ In this instance you will have to:

  1. Make the changes to your ad

  2. "Save and publish" ad again and export it out

  3. Then you will have to upload it again to the channel you are using

If you need more edits created in Studio follow this guide.

OBS! It can take up to two hours due to caching time.

Happy building πŸ‘

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