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Social media in 2024
Emma Pescettini avatar
Written by Emma Pescettini
Updated over a year ago

We are living in a world where social media has become a fixed part of, mostly, everyone's day-to-day lives. If it is inspirational stories on LinkedIn, DIY home renovation on Instagram, Cats on TikTok, or your mom's garden updates on Facebook we consume content all day long πŸ‘€

According to studies, the total number of social media users will increase to over 5 billion in 2024 with the average person using over 6 different social networks per month - that is a lot of social.

Soooo what are the trends?

Facebook and Instagram still come out on top in terms of monthly active users and the highest ROI for marketers according to Hubspot. But in 2024 video-centric apps like TikTok and Instagram will see the most growth with TikTok currently being the fastest-growing platform with a 13% growth of monthly active users in the last year.

TikTok also has its own version of Catalog Ads named Dynamic Showcase Ads. However, with our Catalog Ads feature, you can use the same feed through Meta or TikTok.

There is also a clear age trend when looking into who uses which platforms. Hubspot's trend report shows that Facebook is most popular with people over 25 while Instagram and TikTok are mostly used by people in the 18-24 age range.

With Linked it is important to mention that even though they are still seeing growth this is mostly boosted by boomers and the platform is starting to see a decline with other age groups.

Lastly according to Forbes over 70% of social media users have purchased a product after seeing a brand's post on a social platform underlying how the pace of e-commerce is changing. Furthermore, the stats show that users through TikTok are 1.7 times more likely to have purchased a product they discovered. However, only around 14% of social media users actively research products on TikTok compared to 28% through other social networks.

NB: formats through social media can vary so remember to check out our article on which formats you need for social.

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